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San Diego, CA 92465

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Musical Theater

Musical Theater

BPA’s Signature Programs

We are famous for our musical theater classes! No one else in New Jersey offers this level of experience. Our teachers are professional Broadway performers themselves. They all come directly from New York City. You won’t find more qualified teachers anywhere in New Jersey. We offer three levels of this class. Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced.

Performers these days are required to do it all! In our musical Theatre classes your child will learn to be the ultimate triple threat. That is they will be dancing singing and acting in every class! These classes are designed to teach classic choreography. We strive to keep iconic choreographers and directors works alive. The students will also work on songs and scenes. These come from the most popular shows of yesterday and today.

All of our classes will include a very basic physical warm up. Followed by a vocal warm up which will begin with simple exercises to warm up of the vocal chords. And then progress into more complex vocal scales. The last part of our warm up will consist of acting exercises. Theatre games will also be included. Along with some tongue twisters to improve articulation and enunciation. Each student will choose and star in a production number from a Broadway show. The rest of the class will learn choreography and vocals to perform as the ensemble for that number.  Over a few weeks or so a full production number will be completed and performed then we move on to the next student’s number.  The class will all decide a final number to be performed as an ensemble piece at the end of season performance in June.